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MySQL Release Notes

This page lists the Release Notes of the MySQL database, so that you can understand the evolution path and feature changes of each version.



  • Improved the process so that abnormal clusters cannot be selected when creating instances.
  • Improved the issue of permission leakage in the interface.



  • Added parameter template import feature
  • Improved support for batch modification of instance parameters
  • Improved option to delete backup data in S3 when deleting backups
  • Improved default max_connections parameter to 512
  • Fixed MySQL workspace interface errors
  • Fixed password not displaying in instance details



  • Added MySQL instance topology.
  • Added a prompt for namespace quota
  • Upgraded MGR operator to v8.3.0-2.1.2
  • Fixed the issue where the default deployed MGR instance details page could not display passwords and configuration parameters
  • Fixed the issue where MGR instances did not have delay metrics
  • Fixed the issue where the master-slave delay was not selected by default in the instance monitoring dashboard



  • Improved Prevent reading MySQL password when user permissions are insufficient




  • Improved Added display of MySQL version in global management



  • Added support for creating instances in group replication mode
  • Fixed an issue where validation for special characters in input fields was not working when creating instances.



  • Added support for recording operation audit logs
  • Improved prompt when instance list information is not obtained
  • Improved display of Mcamel-MySQL monitoring dashboard in both Chinese and English



  • Added offline upgrade functionality
  • Added restart functionality for instances
  • Added workload anti-affinity configuration
  • Added cross-cluster recovery for instances
  • Fixed Pod list display to show Host IP
  • Fixed cloudshell permissions issue



  • Added Parameter template functionality
  • Improved syntax compatibility for KindBase
  • Improved page display during operator creation process



  • Added access restrictions for UI interface



  • Improved the structure and style display of the backup management page for mcamel-mysql
  • Improved the monitoring charts for mcamel-mysql by removing distracting elements and adding a time range selection
  • Improved the source of storage capacity metrics for mcamel-mysql by using neutral metrics
  • Improved the installation process of mcamel-mysql ServiceMonitor



  • Added integration with the global management audit log module for mcamel-mysql
  • Added the ability to configure the interval for collecting monitoring data for mcamel-mysql instances
  • Fixed an issue where Raft cluster couldn't be established properly when installing MySQL Operator with multiple replicas for mcamel-mysql
  • Fixed the PodDisruptionBudget version to v1 when upgrading MySQL Operator with multiple replicas for mcamel-mysql



  • Added mcamel-mysql details page displays related events
  • Added mcamel-mysql openapi list interface supports Cluster and Namespace field filtering
  • Added mcamel-mysql custom role
  • Added mcamel-mysql is connected to HwameiStor and supports storage capacity display (you need to manually create HwameiStor exporter ServiceMonitor)
  • Upgraded Optimize the scheduling strategy to add a sliding button



New features

  • Added mcamel-mysql supports middleware traces adaptation
  • Added Install mcamel-mysql to enable traces according to parameter configuration.
  • Added mcamel-mysql PhpMyAdmin supports LoadBalancer type


  • Upgraded to v0.7.0
  • Upgraded GHippo SDK to v0.14.0
  • Improved mcamel-mysql common-mysql supports multiple instance optimization
  • Improved mcamel-mysql troubleshooting manual adds more processing methods



New features

  • Added mcamel-mysql helm-docs template file
  • Added The Operator in the mcamel-mysql app store can only be installed in mcamel-system
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports cloud shell
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports separate registration of navigation bar
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports viewing logs
  • Added mcamel-mysql updated Operator version
  • Added mcamel-mysql shows common MySQL in the instance list
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports MySQL 8.0.29
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports LB
  • Added mcamel-mysql supports Operator docking with chart-syncer
  • Added mcamel-mysql Operator finalizers permission to support openshift
  • Added UI adds MySQL master-slave replication delay display
  • Added Documentation adds log viewing operation instructions, supports custom query, export and other features
  • Upgraded mcamel-mysql upgrade offline mirror detection script


  • Fixed an issue that mcamel-mysql instance name is too long and the custom resource cannot be created
  • Fixed mcamel-mysql workspace Editor user cannot view instance password
  • Fixed Duplicate definition of expire-logs-days parameter in mcamel-mysql configuration file
  • Fixed The binlog expiration time in mcamel-mysql 8.0 environment is not as expected
  • Fixed mcamel-mysql backup set listing would show older backup sets for clusters with the same name



  • Added early detection of NodePort port conflicts
  • Added node affinity configuration
  • Added Bucket can be verified when creating a backup configuration
  • Fixed The default configuration cannot be displayed in the arm environment
  • Fixed The name verification is inconsistent with the front end when creating an instance
  • Fixed After reconnecting to the cluster with changed name, the configuration management address display error
  • Fixed an issue of failed to save auto backup configuration
  • Fixed an issue that the automatic backup set cannot be displayed



New features

  • Added MySQL lifecycle management interface function
  • Added MySQL details interface function
  • Added docking insight based on grafana crd
  • Added interface with ghippo service
  • Added an interface with kpanda
  • Added Increased single-test coverage to 30%
  • Added backup and restore function
  • Added backup configuration interface
  • Added backup and restore source field in instance list interface
  • Added interface to get user list
  • Added mysql-operator chart parameter to specify the metric exporter image
  • Added support arm64 architecture
  • Added arm64 operator image packaging
  • Added support for password desensitization
  • Added support for service exposure as nodeport
  • Added support for mtls
  • Added documentation first release of documentation website
  • Added documentation basic concept
  • Added Documentation Concepts
  • Added documentation for first time use of MySQL
  • Added documentation delete MySQL instance


  • Improved uniformly adjust the timestamp api field to int64
  • Fixed fuzzy search of backup list interface invalid
  • Fixed dependency bug
  • Fixed After the backup job is deleted, the backup task list cannot be displayed
  • Fixed an issue that the image cannot be grabbed when it has uppercase and numbers



  • Added MySQL lifecycle management interface function
  • Added MySQL details interface function
  • Added docking insight based on grafana crd
  • Added interface with ghippo service
  • Added an interface with kpanda
  • Added Increased single-test coverage to 30%
  • Added backup and restore function
  • Added backup configuration interface
  • Added backup and restore source field in instance list interface
  • Fixed fuzzy search of backup list interface invalid
  • Improved uniformly adjust the timestamp api field to int64
