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Create a MinIO instance

  1. Select MinIO Object Storage from the navigation bar on the left.

    MinIO object storage

  2. You can click the New Instance button in the upper right corner of the list.

    If you are using it for the first time, you need to select a workspace and click Deploy Now to create a MinIO instance.

    Create an instance

  3. Fill in the basic information of the instance by referring to the information below, and then click Next .


    • The instance name and cluster/namespace cannot be modified after the instance is created.
    • Pay attention to check the filling requirements below the input box, and enter the content that meets the requirements.
    • If the installation environment test fails, you can follow the prompts to install the relevant plug-ins and re-create the instance, or you can check Continue without Insight component and proceed directly to follow-up operations.

    Basic Info

  4. Fill in the configuration specifications with reference to the information below, and then click Next .

    • Deploy Mode cannot be changed after the instance is created.
    • High Availability is recommended in production mode.
    • At least 4 Replicas are required in high availability mode.
    • Storage Class indicates that the selected storage class should have enough available resources, otherwise the instance creation will fail due to insufficient resources.
    • Storage capacity shows how much capacity each disk has. It cannot be lowered after instance creation.
    • Disks per Replica shows how many secondary disks to provide for each copy. It cannot be lowered after instance creation.


    After a MinIO instance is successfully created, scaling replicas and modifying disk usage are not supported. Please configure resources carefully.

    Spec settings

  5. Fill in the service settings with reference to the information below, and click Next .

    • ClusterIP: services can only be accessed within the same cluster.
    • NodePort: services can be accessed through node IP and static ports, and support access to services from outside the cluster.
    • LoadBalancer indicates using the cloud service provider's load balancer to make the service publicly accessible
    • Load Balancer/External Traffic Policy: Specifies whether the service routes external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide breakpoints

      • Cluster: Traffic can be forwarded to Pods on other nodes in the cluster
      • Local: Traffic can only be forwarded to Pods on this node
    • Console account: the username and password needed to access this newly created instance

    Service settings

    Click to view advanced configuration instructions
    • Bucket Name: create a new bucket under this instance, and set the name of the new bucket.
    • Scheduling policy/condition: set the node affinity of Pod scheduling, refer to the official Kubernetes document node affinity.

      • Preferred: try to schedule to the nodes that meet the rules first. Pod scheduling is also performed if no matching node is found
      • Required: Pod scheduling is only performed when a node satisfying the rules is found
    • Scheduling strategy/weight: Set weights for nodes that meet each scheduling strategy, preferably using a strategy with a high weight. Value range 1 to 100

    • Scheduling strategy/selector

      • In: The node must contain the selected label, and the value of the label must belong to a set of values. Multiple values ​​are separated by ;
      • NotIn: The node must contain the selected label, and the value of the label must **not belong to a value set. Multiple values ​​are separated by ;
      • Exists: It is enough for the node to contain a certain label, and do not pay attention to the specific value of the label
      • DoesNotExists: The node does not contain a certain label, and does not pay attention to the specific value of the label
      • Gt: The node must contain a certain label, and the value of the label must be greater than a certain integer
      • Lt: The node must contain a certain label, and the value of the label must be less than a certain integer

    Advanced settings

  6. Confirm that the instance configuration information is correct, and click OK to complete the creation.


  7. Return to the instance list page to check whether the instance is successfully created.

    The status of the newly created instance is Not Ready , and the status becomes Running after all related containers are successfully started.

