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Install Dependencies

Before installing DCE 5.0, you need to install some dependencies.

  • For DCE Community, install the dependencies on the K8s Master node.
  • For DCE 5.0 Enterprise, install the dependencies on the Bootstrap Node.


The installed dependencies include:

  • podman
  • helm
  • skopeo
  • kind
  • kubectl
  • yq
  • minio client
  • charts-syncer

If there are any existing tools in your environment with versions lower than what we define, they will be forcefully updated and replaced during the installation process.

Online Install Dependencies

  1. Download the script.

    export VERSION=v0.20.0
    curl -LO${VERSION}.sh

    Add executable permission to install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh:

    chmod +x install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh
  2. Start the online installation of prerequisites.

    • For DCE Community:

      bash install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh online community
    • For DCE 5.0 Enterprise:

      bash install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh online full

Offline Install Dependencies

Offline installation means that the target host is in an offline state and cannot download the required dependencies. Therefore, you need to create an offline package in an online environment first.

  1. Download the script.

    export VERSION=v0.20.0
    curl -LO${VERSION}.sh
  2. Download the offline package for prerequisites.

    export VERSION=v0.20.0
    curl -LO${VERSION}_amd64.tar.gz


  3. Perform the offline installation.

    • For DCE Community:

      export BINARY_TAR=prerequisite_${VERSION}_amd64.tar.gz
      chmod +x install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh
      ./install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh offline community
    • For DCE 5.0 Enterprise:

      export BINARY_TAR=prerequisite_${VERSION}_amd64.tar.gz
      chmod +x install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh
      ./install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh offline full

You can now proceed to install DCE 5.0 Community or Enterprise.
